Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wow! AWWW - SOME day! woooooooo~~~~ fun class gathering. Not because of the food. But the friends(male) that came, it was really fun to meet everyone again, most of our friendship has been together for 5 nice to be with them, except for the girls, cause they're weird, no la, we dont talk much wad.... HAHA! no offence, just for fun, joy and laughter. But seriously.

Okay, to start off with meeting a few of our group at BBatok mrt station, then took all the way to ENOS(eeuu knows!) .... and it started raining once we reached east coast..... whooooo. WAD A NICE DAY TO HAVE BBQ~ LOL! And lynn was like soooo funny la! youwei called lynn to ask whether "is it raining over there?" lynn replied, "no no. it's bright and sunny over here, just take a cab down la." LOL! we laughed like mad. and in the end, youwei really came! LOL!~~~ but it stopped raining.

So, the moment i reached the bbq pit, i straight go over and look at the food! LOL! kop some here and there. Then we rented bikes. LOL! me and desmond rented the 2 seater bicycle, sooo romantic ar! LOL! we first started like newbies....wobbling here and there, but soon, we became expert for the 2 seater bike. And i making most of the noise, screaming here and there, spreading my arms out and shouting "FLY! FLY!" behind the bike .... and everyone was like looking at us like lunatics
.....actually it was only me, and desmond was really embarassed, SORRY!THATS ME!LOL! HAHA THAT WAS FUN! and we played freeze bee too! des pronounced it as freebies. LOL@!

After the bbq, we took a bus to bedok and took 66 all the way back. WAD A LONG TRIP! but it was really great as we talked about our secondary school life and all the camps we had together in boys brigade. Cause our class, 40% of our boys was from boys brigade! And we were all from BB in the bus except jas. So we had loads of laugh just by talking about our camps and how we got promoted!LOl! i hate typing long post cause i hate to read sucha long-winded post myself.So thats all for now!TATA!

No link: Got one time in MTrip. My group laughed until we're all full. Cause our stomach was filled with laughter. HAHA! i was too tired to eat from laughing. TRUE STORY!

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