Sunday, April 03, 2011

Isaac's birthday, went to demsey to eat supper with some of the lg members.

so ya, today i had to serve 2 services for media lightings, so no time to 'surprise' and also didnt have the chance to write the birthday CARD for isaac! ARGH! my name and wishes not inside! ARGH~ nvm, isaac i dedicate this another half post for your birthday! here goes. side track = i look abit like a gay in the below photo! HAHA! ok ok, serious.

hey isaac, happy birthday! you know i dont really like to go out eat supper one (told you before wad 1 supper = 3 cai fan! HAHA), but for your birthday! i go! cause you are special to me! HAHA! mushy mushy~

thank you so much for sharing your faith stories to me which cause that spark in me last year! that was when i started to really pray for my family and you also saw what happened in my family! thanks man!

continue to let that fire in you to burn and influence the people around you like how you reignited the fire in me! cause udders to catch that fire also! RAWRALALAWALALA! HAHA! yea, dont give up!


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