Friday, February 11, 2011

Chants *Ba Chor mee~ ba chor mee~ ba chor mee~* HAHA! FYI: it's minced pork noodles.

My mom bought ba chor mee for supper! so my supper was superb! haha!

At first, i was reluctant to eat it as my body cannot afford to eat supper(cause i'm fat.) AND i went gym this morning! worked out so much just to lose weight but i thought to myself... it will be a waste if my mom were to throw it away... so... I have no choice but to eat it! HAHA!

wa~ i trained so hard today la, jog so fast~ train my arm~ do so much squats~ train almost every part of my body, and almost every part of my body feels like jelly now! HAHA! BUT i like the pain! cause i know muskles are forming! HAHA!

AND I got my attachment(recommended by lecturer!) It's located around west coast that area! and i heard that my attachment will be some sort of sketching, drawing and designing stuffs that kind! WA! shiok! super excited! But it will burn out my whole holidays... march to april... cannot go overseas with my grandpa... I REALLY WANNA TRAVEL! ARGH!

ok! time to study for my test tomorrow!

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